Maddy Calvert
5 min readMay 15, 2021

I just feel like writing something

if you’re this, hey! It is quite interesting that you have stumbled upon this random article I am writing. Or perhaps this is me reading it, sometime in the future. Perhaps in the near future, or in years time… who knows?? If this is me reading, how fascinating that I have successfully predicted the future.

Anyways, enough waffle. I have logged onto my macbook at 4:21 on Saturday the 15th of May and out of pure boredom, I found myself logging onto this website. I don’t know why — actually yes I do.. I think it’s because I have a 3000 word studies of religion essay due on Monday and I’ve come here to avoid doing it. I have done 2332 words so I still have a fair chunk to go. To be honest, I absolutely hate the religion. It is my worst subject (although mind you I am currently sitting at 90%, however, I have a feeling that will change when this 3000 essay/report gets marked). I can already seeing my assessment dropping into the 80’s. I know that is still ‘good’ but you see I am trying to get into medicine so I need to be getting those top marks. Notably, I also have a maths assignment due on Tuesday which I am almost done, although I don’t feel like finishing. And I have to do UCAT prep which sucks. As it goes later into the evening, I have realised how much I have completely wasted my Saturday. Maybe if I write down all the things I have to get done here it will hold me accountable. So, when I log back on later I will either be thrilled that I was actually able to do something productive or feel guilty (even more so than I already do right now). I guess it’s worth a shot though, nothing has been able to get me up and moving today. I kinda hope that nobody ever reads this, I am slightly embarrassed that on my Saturday night I am sitting in my room writing an article about how unproductive I have been. I just looked at the time and it 4:31 — that means I’ve wasted 10 minutes writing this. Why am I writing this? I don’t even know…

I am going to make a plan I guess…a list…and I will update you as I complete each thing on my list! This is dumb, I hope this is atleast somewhat interesting to read. Okay well, first thing on the list will be to clean my room, it is a mess and having a clean work environment is always motivating. After that I will tie up my hair, which is an odd thing to document doing but I feel like when your hair is tied back you are more in work mode, sounds silly but I wear my hair up at school and stuff so just go with it. As for school work I will start with my Studies of Religion thingo. I will do section 3 of Buddhism. After that I will probably go have a shower. Then I shall go through my Buddhism section and edit it — it will probably take awhile because I have to integrate all the complex terms into my essay like “Sila” and “Dukkah”. No hate to anyone Buddhist! From a non-Buddhist point of view they are difficult concepts to simplify into an essay. Anyways after that I will need to write my introduction and conclusion, which may sound easy but my teacher has this thing called ‘assumed knowledge’ meaning I shouldn’t write any context because I need to ‘assume’ the marker knows who Buddha is and the Four Noble Truths etc. After that I shall have dinner, if all goes to plan. I am planning on having quiche (there is leftovers of it in the fridge). After that I will work on my maths assignment for half an hour or so then maybe start editing. I am putting together a vlog of my geography trip to Lady Eliot Island that I recently went on. I have some biology to do (my depth study actually) but I doubt I will get up to doing that. Anyways, that is my list! I don’t want to stop after every task just to write, so perhaps I will update you on the hour on where I am at, how I am feeling etc. I like saying ‘etc’, not sure why. So I better get to work cleaning, I will come back here at 5ish (btw it is currently 4:45 so it will be soon)


Welcome back, as you can see I have come back 5 minutes before the hour as I realised it is gonna take time to write these little paragraphs which means I will be starting work after the hour, and I would have to limit how much time and can write for otherwise I won’t end up getting anything done. Then I would have to start working at 5:05 or 5:10 instead of 5 which is a nice time. So I will write before the hour and stop on the hour. Cleaning was boring and I tied my hair up. I am about to start my Buddhism section 3 which I am not looking forward to. I will try to have it done by 6:45 — that should be PLENTY of time. It’s 4:58 so I am gonna go turn of my phone and put on study music ready to start at the hour, bye!


So, I am back. I have successfully finished section three of the Buddhism part of my essay. I currently have 2661 words, so I am making some progress. I don’t remember what I wrote down that I was gonna do next, so I’ll just scroll up and check… Uhh yes I am going to go have a shower then start the editing process. I shall go do that, I have nothing else to update you on except I have been so far sticking to my schedule. All is going well and I feel good! I’ll write again in an hour.


Yeah, I know… it has not been an hour. Nonetheless I have found myself on here once again to avoid doing work. I did shower. I just checked the list an I wrote that I was going to edit Buddhism and then write my introduction and conclusion. Damn I am hungry and I kinda just wanna go eat dinner. I think I’ll start editing Buddhism at 6:30 and give myself 30 mins. I reckon it will take longer than that to be honest but I’ll see and give an update about it then. Bye for now.


update. I actually ended up going on my phone and have done nothing!


I ended up doing about 30 mins of religion and then for the last hour I’ve been slacking on YouTube, I also ate dinner, I had a garlic pizza.


I am back and I finished editing the Buddhism section, Hurray! I am going to consult the list real quick, just a sec…Okay well I am not doing my maths assingment. I could do my introduction and conclusion like I said but I feel lazy! I think I’ll do some vlog editing. Hopefully I get it finished


wow that was 2 and a half hours of editing done. I did not realise it took so long, the time just flew! I will have to work on my other stuff tomorrow because I am ready to sleep! Goodnight!

This is the end of this little journal entry thingo. I hope this was fun to read, all though let’s be real it probably wasn’t since it was just me documenting my boring HSC study evening.

Thanks for reading :)